Awards and Scholarships

In addition to providing networking, publications, continuing education, and high professional standards, ASCLS-IA recognizes members who help make this society work. The Society presents awards each year at annual meetings. Some members are nominated for awards; others may apply to receive awards.


ASCLS-IA Member of the Year

Award given to a member of ASCLS-IA who has shown extraordinary commitment and service to the society.

One individual from each membership category is awarded: 

  • Professional Member of the Year
  • Emeritus Member of the Year
  • Ascending Professional Member of the Year
  • Developing Professional Member of the Year 
To submit a nominee for this award, click on this LINK

Mentor of the Year

This award serves to recognize that person who has always done a fantastic job of leading and teaching co-workers and others with whom they come in contact… a mentor to the current and future laboratory professionals.

To submit a nominee for this award, click on this LINK

Outstanding Support Staff

This award serves to honor those lab secretaries, data entry clerks, processing techs, and others who are essential in keeping the lab running.

To submit a nominee for this award, click on this LINK

Phlebotomist of the Year

This award serves to recognize the phlebotomists who are both the legs and the public face of the lab.  The quality of our lab testing depends a great deal on their skills.  Plus a patient’s impression of the laboratory and of laboratorians is mostly determined by his or her interaction with the phlebotomist.

To submit a nominee for this award, click on this LINK

Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) Student of the Year

This award was established to recognize an outstanding Medical Laboratory Scientist student.

To submit a nominee for this award, click on this LINK

Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Student of the Year

This award was established to recognize an outstanding Medical Laboratory Technician student.

To submit a nominee for this award, click on this LINK




Reference Form

Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation Scholarship

Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation (IHERF) Scholarship