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Scientific Assembly Chair/Vice Chairs and Coordinator/Vice Coordinator

  • 1.  Scientific Assembly Chair/Vice Chairs and Coordinator/Vice Coordinator

    Posted 06-06-2024 17:13
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    Happy Almost Friday Afternoon to everyone!

    I am seeking volunteers for NEW leadership to revitalize the ASCLS Scientific Assemblies. The Assemblies are an important part of our organization and our members value related to indentifying specific discipline resources and information.  Please consider volunteering in the Volunteer portal. I am attaching the NEW SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY Policy for everyone so you can see what is the expectation and hopes to revitalize the groups. 

    Thank you for considering this opportunity!

    Pat Tille Ph.D. MLS(ASCP) AHI (AMT) FACSc
    ASCLS President Elect
    Professor/Graduate Program Director
    University of Cincinnati